Have a look at this video first, then work through the more detailed steps if you need.
Perform each step in turn.
1. Ensure the Power Switch (‘4’ in the picture) is switched ON. The ‘I’ on the rocker switch is pressed in.
2. Double-press the pairing button (‘3’ in the picture – the Black button with Herschel Logo) on the Smart-R receiver on the back of the panel.
3. Check the Green LED on the SMART-R receiver (‘1’ in the picture) is now flashing.
4. Ensure the XLS Controller (T-MT; T-BT or T-PL) is switched OFF. “OF” should be shown on the display.
For T-MT and T-BT:
5. Long-press the “SET” button on the front of the controller. “PAIR” is flashing on the display.
For T-PL:
6. Long-press the "P" button on the front of the controller. "P" is flashing in the display.
It didn’t pair: The Green LED Remains flashing. The word “PAIR” (or "P") remains flashing on the controller.
7. Ensure the panel and controller are close to each other (if you need to temporarily move the T-MT closer to the panel, you can temporarily power it using a phone charger with Micro USB). Be sure that no one is also pairing controllers in another room. Repeat steps 1 – 6 again. If you still have no luck please raise a support ticket. If you succeed then please proceed to the next step below.
It did pair: The Green LED is now a solid Green and the word “PAIR” (or "P") has disappeared on the controller (note it may take several seconds for the word “PAIR” to disappear after the Gren LED stops flashing).
8. Ensure the pairing works correctly. With the controller turned ON, please note the room temperature it is showing (e.g. 18°C). Use the + key on the keypad to increase the set-temperature to a figure above room temperature (e.g. press + until you get to 22°C). The Heating “ON” symbol should appear on the controller and the RED LED on the SMART-R receiver will be lit. (You may also hear a small ‘click’ if you are close to the heater as it turns on).
9. If this is successful, turn the heating off by pressing the – button on the controller until a figure below room temperature is set (e.g. 17°C in our example above). The Heating “ON” symbol will disappear on the controller and the RED LED on the SMART-R controller will also switch off. (You may also hear a small ‘click’ if you are close to the heater as it turns off).
RECAP on LED combinations
The LED light status on the SMART-R receiver will tell you what pairing status your panel is in. The only combinations possible are:
No LEDs are lit | There is no power to the panel |
Green LED is flashing. Red LED is not lit | The panel is waiting to pair with a controller |
Green LED is solid green. Red LED is not lit | The panel is paired with a controller, but heating is not on. |
Green LED is solid green. Red LED is lit | The panel is paired with a controller, and heating is on. |
Red LED only is lit | The panel is in override mode. It is not paired. Heating is on. |
Two Handy Tips:
A) Pairing the T-MT / T-BT / T-PL requires the unit to be switched OFF and pressing the SET button (T-MT/BT) or P button (T-PL). If you press the SET (or P) button when the unit is ON, then you will enter the Time and Temperature Calibration setting. Inadvertently changing Time and Calibration if you do not mean to, can cause confusion later on if the heating is not coming on at the time you expect or at the comfort level you expect. So it is always worth checking this (details are in the instructions) before contacting Herschel.
B) Be sure only to apply the keypad lock (if you want it) after you have set all the settings you want to via the keypad.
If you do not succeed with the above, please raise a support ticket and do not proceed with additional diagnosis into Pairing with the App etc. until your panel is successfully paired with the thermostat.